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B & M Cleveland, OH
Bert Murray Cleveland, OH Pub. by Nordyke Music
Beth Cleveland, OH
Big Jim 1966 E. 55th Street Cleveland, OH Jim Brown Afilliated with Way Out
Blue Onion PO Box 4273 Cleveland, OH Dale Davis
Bock Cleveland, OH
Bonnie Cleveland, OH
BOS 1966 E. 55th Street Cleveland, OH James Bullard Also see Way-Out
Bounty 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH Tom & Louise Boddie Also see Luau, Soul Kitchen, Plaid
Buzz Cleveland, OH Vlad Maleckar (?)
Caribi 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH Boddie Recording Co.
Champagne Cleveland, OH Alan Freed
Cleveland Robinson Sings Cleveland, OH Cleveland Robinson
Clevetown Cleveland, OH Arnie Rosenberg, Joe Petito Afilliated with Pama, Tema & Audio
Co-Co Cleveland 2616 E. 111th St. Cleveland, OH Lou Ragland, Lymon Moffatt
Conn 2195 South Green Road Cleveland, OH Marty Conn
Cookin 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH Also see Bounty
Cosmic 331 W. Frankfort Ave. Cleveland, OH Bernard Zelman
Country Pop 2107 E. 18th St. Cleveland, OH
Da-Wood Cleveland, OH Mel Woods
Dani Cleveland, OH
Day-Wood Cleveland, OH Bob Davis, Melvin Wood
Daysel Cleveland, OH Dave Segal
Debra 9810 Newton Avenue Cleveland, OH Cleveland Robinson Affiliated with Warwick
DeBrossard 1296 Hayden Cleveland, OH
Dee-Jay 9700 Adams Ave. Cleveland, OH William Spivery
Del-Nita Cleveland, OH John Hicks Hicks Music ASCAP
Delightful Cleveland, OH A Delightful Record
Delta International Cleveland, OH John R. Gayer
Donna 13500 Shaker Blvd. Cleveland, OH Cliff Kroening Recording Div., Kroening Assoc., Inc.
Double -R- 9902 Dunlop Ave. Cleveland, OH Robert Carte
E & J Cleveland, OH
Ebbe 1720 Lee Road Cleveland, OH
Effort For Christ 2856 West 25 Street Cleveland, OH
Epoch VII Cleveland, OH
Everite Cleveland, OH
Falcon (OH) Cleveland, OH
Finch (Cleve) 4614 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, OH
Fly-By-Nite Cleveland, OH William Calvin Jacocks
Forest City 900 Union Commerce Bldg. Cleveland, OH
Frank Bell Plays Cleveland, OH Frank Bell
Gary-Dew Cleveland, OH
Gay-Way Cleveland, OH
GC 1515 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH Gene Carroll
Gemini 6510 St. Clair Cleveland, OH Distributed by Taurus Records
Gideon 1848 W. 44th St. Cleveland, OH West Side Gospel Tabernacle
Globe International PO Box 4866 Cleveland, OH Globe International Record Co.
Golden Leaf Cleveland, OH Gerry Lee
Hallelujah PO Box 2120 Cleveland, OH A Division of Scales Music Co.
HAS Cleveland, OH Howard A. Smith
Hawk 2136 E. 105th Street Cleveland, OH Bill Hawkins
Huntsville 12202 Union Avenue Cleveland, OH
Island 14409 Thames Avenue Cleveland, OH Frank J. Videmsek
J & W 1347 E. 112 St. Cleveland, OH Morganfield Pub. BMI
JAG Cleveland, OH
Jay Kay Cleveland, OH
Jer-Erl Productions 17203 Telford Ave Cleveland, OH 216-921-7011
JOB Cleveland, OH
Jowall 8510 Cedar Avenue Cleveland, OH
June Recording Cleveland, OH
Justine Cleveland, OH Ruby G. Smith (?)
Karamu Cleveland, OH Debra Byrd
Kasper 16010 Elderwood Cleveland, OH Bobby Lee
Komet Cleveland, OH
Kustom Cleveland, OH Recorded by Audio Studios
Lanco 14055 Cedar Road Cleveland, OH Marty Conn (?) Also as Lan-Co
LaTrice Cleveland, OH
Lee-Jon 3580 Washington Blvd. Cleveland, OH
LGS Cleveland, OH
Liban Cleveland, OH
Lira Cleveland, OH
Luau 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH Tom Boddie Also see Bounty, Soul Kitchen
Maggio Cleveland, OH William Jacocks
Mama 1411 East 111th Street Cleveland, OH Also see Warwick, Debra
Manhattan 15113 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH Continued on Patrice
Marconn Cleveland, OH Marty Conn Also see Conn
Mark-Jay Cleveland, OH
Neon 4128 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, OH
Nosnibor 12428 B St. Clair Cleveland, OH Cleveland Robinson Later Address: 3919 East 131st St.
Pama Cleveland, OH Arnie Rosenberg, Patrick Connelly Later became Clevetown
Patrice 15113 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH Also see Manhattan, Pattie
Pattie 15113 St. Clair Ave Cleveland, OH Also see Patrice, Manhattan
PDJS Cleveland, OH
Peace (OH) Cleveland, OH Rec. at Motion Picture Sound Studio
Peltro Cleveland, OH
Piper 1303 Prospect Avenue Cleveland, OH Schneider Recording
Plaid (OH) 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH Tom Boddie Also see Bounty, Luau
Play Cleveland, OH
Redda 329 Leader Bldg. Cleveland, OH Redda Robbins Enterprises
Reserve 1735 Chester Avenue Cleveland, OH Henry George, Sandy Beck
Rex Cleveland, OH Mike McCormack Cosnat Distributing
Rozan Cleveland, OH
RS (OH) 738 E. 91st St. Cleveland, OH
SAB Cleveland, OH Sid A. Bradley
San-El Cleveland, OH
Sandwash Cleveland, OH Agency Recording Studio
Saru 14009 Miles Avenue Cleveland, OH Frank Keyes & Chuck Brown Label named for their mothers - Sarah & Ruth
Sealey 3553 E. 103rd St. Cleveland, OH Franklin D. R. Sealey
Silver 2107 E. 18th Street Cleveland, OH John Koproski Afilliated with Globe
SIR 8131 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH Divine Holiness Church Sound Ideas Recording
Solid Foundation 1715 Euclid Cleveland, OH Agency Studios
Soul Kitchen 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH Tom & Louise Boddie Also see Bounty, Luau
Soul Mine 12202 Union Ave. Cleveland, OH
Sowa Cleveland, OH Edward J. Sowa
St Teresa 3579 E. 140th Street Cleveland, OH
Sterling Park-Lang Hotel
3219 Cedar Avenue
Cleveland, OH Irv Lief
Studio Cleveland, OH Shelly Haims & Perry Stevens
Sunburst Cleveland, OH Jules & Mike Belkin, Carl Maduri
Tamper Cleveland, OH
Tema Cleveland, OH James M. "Jimmy" Testa
Triple A 2126 Lee Rd Cleveland, OH Jack Gale
VAR-1 Cleveland, OH William Jacocks
Velvet Bullet Cleveland, OH
Violet Box 2192 Cleveland, OH Ron Nichols Ran Productions
Warwick Finance Building Cleveland, OH
Way Out 1966 E. 55th Street Cleveland, OH Lester Johnson, Bill Branch Also see Big Jim
Whirl 7115 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH Michael Manocchio (?) Big Song BMI
Zenith Cleveland, OH
EP Cleveland (?), OH
Ray Beach Cleveland (?), OH
Sal Cleveland (?), OH Sal Bucarey
Unicorn Cleveland (?), OH
Leaf 3227 Redwood Road Cleveland Heights, OH
Teare Tunes 2104 Lennox Road Cleveland Heights, OH George W. Teare
Ozark 140 Meadow Lane Clyde, OH
USA PO Box 149 Clyde, OH John W. Gettys, Charles A. Dougherty
3-J Columbus, OH
Alpat Columbus, OH
Alpha Omega Box 622 Columbus, OH Gene Cotton (?)
B & 4 2683 Brown Rd. Columbus, OH Chad Baugess
Big J Columbus, OH
BiM Columbus, OH
Black Forest Columbus, OH Eddie Parker, Carl Fagain MoSoul Production
Bleu Rose Columbus, OH
Blue Ash Columbus, OH Kingsmill Recording
Blueco Columbus, OH
Bovi Columbus, OH
Bowery Columbus, OH
Brandt Columbus, OH
Broadstreet Choir 760 East Broad St. Columbus, OH Broad Street Presbyterian Church
Brock 2294 Pontiac Street Columbus, OH
Buckeye Swift Homes 837 South Hamilton Rd Columbus, OH Afilliated with Do-Ra-Me
Canto 243 E. 9th Avenue Columbus, OH
Cap-Town Columbus, OH Donn Fischer "Tellin' It Like It Is"
Capitol City 11 No. Rays Ave. Columbus, OH
Capsoul 1640 Franklin Avenue Columbus, OH Bill Moss Also see Holiday
Cardinal 107 Belvidere Columbus, OH Francis "Frank" Keifer
Carolyn 792 Marion Road Columbus, OH
Circa Columbus, OH
Clear Mood Columbus, OH
Clover 2283 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH Stanley Freeburg ? Also see Cloverleaf
Cloverleaf 2283 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH Stanley Freeberg ? Also see Clover
Co-Day Columbus, OH Chad Baugess (?)
Col Soul Columbus, OH
Columbus Columbus, OH
Com-Ette Columbus, OH
Cordial Columbus, OH
Crescendo Columbus, OH
Debonair Columbus, OH
Disc-O-Tek 2893 North High St. Columbus, OH
DoLeJo PO Box 24056 Columbus, OH H. Lee Foster
Dolphin Columbus, OH
Down Town Columbus, OH Anthony King Organization
Drive Columbus, OH
Early Bird 1517 Parsons Ave. Columbus, OH Jack Casebolt
Fabar 2357 Joyce Columbus, OH Bill Strickland
Fish Communications Columbus, OH
Forvm1 Forum Club Columbus, OH
Fulfillment Columbus, OH
GMT Columbus, OH
Gospel (OH) 2683 Brown Rd. Columbus, OH Chad Baugess Also see B & 4
Gospel Melody Trio 2683 Brown Rd. Columbus, OH Afilliated with B & 4 Records
Grenoble Box 821, Hilltop Station Columbus, OH E. R. Graham
Grog Columbus, OH Bobby Hughes (?)
Groove (OH) Columbus, OH Skip Robinson
Gunn Columbus, OH
Harlequin Columbus, OH Ozzie Cadena (Chuz Alfred)
Hillside McKenzie Studio Columbus, OH Larry McKenzie
Holiday Box 9804 - Sta. F Columbus, OH Bill Moss Also see Capsoul
House Of Joan Columbus, OH
In Synch Columbus, OH
Ironbeat Columbus, OH A Subsidiary of Mus-I-Col
Judo Jim Columbus, OH Jim Moss
K & H PO Box 3112 Columbus, OH Billy Maxted (?)
Kandun Columbus, OH Eddy Parker - Roy Hoover (?) Also see Mo-Soul
Kay-Gee Medical Science Bldg. Suite 21 Columbus, OH Nick Kurlas, Phil Gary Subsidary of Olimpic Records Inc.
Kim Columbus, OH Chuck Howard (?)
Kryslar Box #5786, U.A. Branch Columbus, OH
Loren Columbus, OH Bill Moss A Division of Capsoul
Magna 1070 West First Avenue Columbus, OH Magnetic Studios Corporation Label also as Magnetic Studios
MBL Columbus, OH
MJW Columbus, OH Mickey J. Wallace
Mo-Soul Columbus, OH Eddy Parker - Roy Hoover (?) Also see Kandun
Mus-I-Col 780 Oakland Park Columbus, OH John Hull Recording Studio & Pressing Plant
Nassau Columbus, OH
New Day Columbus, OH
NOW Gospel Sound 780 Oakland Park Columbus, OH John Hull Gospel Division Of Mus I Col
Nowonder Columbus, OH Owned by Mus-I-Col (?) ..if it's a hit, it's no wonder
O BO 921 John St. Columbus, OH Bill Hatfield and Bo Ratliff Hatfield-Ratliff Production
Olimpic Medical Science Bldg. Suite 21 Columbus, OH Nick Kurlas, Phil Gary Also see Kay-Gee
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